Thursday, August 5, 2010

My School Life

My class is almost finished. I'm feeling that my school days passed so quickly. I wanted to more learn from Michael and my classmates. In the meantime, my Vancouver life is finished soon. But almost sure I'm going to come back here. Because I like Vancouver and my friends in here. I want to say to everyone "Thank you so much". And please feel free contact me.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

My favorite thing about the Stanley Park trip

We went to the Stanley Park last Friday. The weather was good.
My favorite thing of the Stanley Park is I found a pretty flower. The flower's name is "purple loose strife" It was my first time I saw one. One flower has many small flowers. I think I can see the flower over an hour.
The most of my favorite thing of this trip is lunch. We were able to have special lunch. Some great guys cooked lunch for us. They tasted wonderful. Everything made me great memories. Thanks so much!

Monday, August 2, 2010


I went to the Commercial Dr again. I ate chicken burger. And of course also beer! This time I drunk Okanagan Spring one. I'm going to repeat soon.

Different of Canada & Japan

There are many things in Japan which are more convenient in Canada. For example, facilities for travel. We can be easy to get around. Also convenience stores have many kinds of things. All of the shops open 24 hours a day. We can buy almost things you need for life. They have alcohol, tobacco, books, and cosmetics, etc... We can use ATM, post, delivery service, fax, copy, etc.. I like convenience store. But Canada is better to live than Japan. Because People are very friendly. And there are many people from different countries. So there are also many kinds of restaurants. It's very interesting!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


I saw many people at downtown. The people were way to a place where can see the fireworks.
My friend and I were going to other place. So we were walking in the opposite direction to the other people. Some people said us "Hey! Why do you leave?! Firework is started from now!"

Monday, July 19, 2010

Happy B'day!

There were Kaela's birthday party on last Saturday. She is my ex host family who became 7 years old. Many people celebrated her birthday. It was a very good party. She seemed happy.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

The best & worst of Granville Island

The best part of Granville Island was the Granville Island Brewing Company. We can drink 8 kinds of beer and we can buy them at there. It was very interesting for me.
The best part of Granville Island was....
I have no idea. But worst memory was.... I was tired!