Wednesday, July 28, 2010


I saw many people at downtown. The people were way to a place where can see the fireworks.
My friend and I were going to other place. So we were walking in the opposite direction to the other people. Some people said us "Hey! Why do you leave?! Firework is started from now!"

Monday, July 19, 2010

Happy B'day!

There were Kaela's birthday party on last Saturday. She is my ex host family who became 7 years old. Many people celebrated her birthday. It was a very good party. She seemed happy.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

The best & worst of Granville Island

The best part of Granville Island was the Granville Island Brewing Company. We can drink 8 kinds of beer and we can buy them at there. It was very interesting for me.
The best part of Granville Island was....
I have no idea. But worst memory was.... I was tired!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Spain vs. Netherlands

I saw the soccer game with my friends at bar in downtown on Sunday. My friend wore a uniform. There are many people and loud voice at the bar. So everyone were exciting. I wasn't so much interested in a soccer game. But then I was able to enjoy it.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

My Hobby

I have a lot of hobbies. One of my hobby is fishing. I'm sorry, we're needed a license for fishing in Canada. But I heard it's easy to get the license. If I can make a friend who can go fishing with me, I 'll get the license.

Sunday, July 4, 2010


I ate lunch at Chinese restaurant at the China Town with my friends. The restaurant serves the Yumcha. But the left side picture is not the Yumcha. I wanted to take a picture of the Yumcha. But we ate ones before to take a picture... Anyway, they were so delicious!

Canada Day

July 1st. Today is Canada day! I saw the parade. This picture is Chinese parade. I'm surprised there were a lot of people in the Chinese parade. In the night, I saw the fireworks display. It was so beautiful.